Ridley Scott’s historical drama premiered in 2021. The plot was based on a book based on real events. In the film “The Last Duel” the meaning is gaining depth thanks to the presented real-life heroes with their own view of the situation. meaning, ending of the film
Summary of the film “The Last Duel”
The knight Jean de Carrouges, who went through the war, learns about the rape of his wife Marguerite. The criminal was a neighbor, Jacques Le Gris, whose connections allowed the woman to be accused of slander. Medieval knight defends honor in a duel. It was believed that God was the judge, the defeat of the criminal was predetermined by Heaven. According to the decision of justice, the defeat of Carrouge entails the burning of Marguerite at the stake.
This moment conveys the hidden meaning of the film “The Last Duel”, concluded in Jean’s upholding of exclusively personal interests and confidence in the well-deserved death of his wife in the event of his death.
On a note! The main characters of The Last Duel are real medieval Frenchmen. The traditions of that time are reproduced in the film with maximum accuracy.
Positive reviews are received due to several features of the film “The Last Duel”:
- the meaning of the plot differs from similar historical dramas in depth;
- structure uniqueness;
- high level of acting.
The film consists of three parts, each of which conveys the vision of the current circumstances by a specific hero. The main meaning of the film “The Last Duel” is revealed in the final part, which presents the viewer with a vision of Margaret’s situation. This chapter is called truth, because only Margaret became a victim of the situation. Men pursued selfish goals.
The meaning of the plot
Among most medieval paintings, The Last Duel deals with the issues of rape and the devaluation of women. The meaning of the film “The Last Duel” (2021) multifacetedly reveals the problems that are relevant for a medieval woman:
- The final part is presented by the female vision of the situation. The lack of historical information about Margaret, in contrast to the detailed records of men, confirms the dismissive attitude towards medieval women.
- Exposure to violence, in addition to the fear of publicizing the problem, is complemented by difficulties in achieving justice.
- Men are taken more seriously than women. The outwardly noble Carrouge did not immediately believe Marguerite. The plot emphasizes the selfishness and stinginess of the knight. In addition, the court did not believe the story of the raped Margaret.
- Devaluation of the fate of a woman. Medieval law provided for various punishments for perjury, but burning was initially chosen for Margaret.
In the film The Last Duel, the meaning of Margaret’s tragedy is aggravated by the pregnancy after the rape. The events of the film suggest the possible pregnancy of a woman from her husband, which again confirms the lack of a woman’s right to her own body.
Interesting! In the 14th century, there was a belief that only a woman who received pleasure became pregnant.
Ridley Scott endowed “The Last Duel” with a meaning that conveys a dismissive attitude towards the feelings and statements of a woman. Medieval courts did not hear cases of rape of pregnant women. Pregnancy, considered the result of pleasure, confirmed voluntary consent to sexual intercourse.
The essence of the ending
The final scene of “The Last Duel” confirms the hidden meaning of the film. The peaceful life of Margaret with her son is demonstrated. The woman’s face is shown close-up. Focusing of the camera lasts until the screen completely darkens.
The meaning of the ending of The Last Duel is explained by the location. Margaret is in a spacious field against the backdrop of the castle. Jean de Carrouges is not around. The final scene emphasizes Marguerite’s freedom from established norms and political decisions without guaranteeing security. The inscriptions shown on the screen speak of the death of Carrouge in battle after a duel with Le Gris.
The structure of the film, presented in three parts, allows the viewer to make a versatile assessment of the situation described. Despite the lack of detailed historical records of Marguerite, the director addressed the important medieval problem of depriving a woman of any right. The modern infringement of women’s rights is read in a thin thread in a film about the Middle Ages.