Fight Club Ending Explained & Plot Summary

5 interesting life rules highlighted from the film Fight Club
cult film about clandestine battles and making good soap teaches us not only “resistance to the consumer society”, but also a couple of other, no less interesting truths. Below we will talk about the five rules of life highlighted from “Fight Club”. Go.

Rule 1. Protect yourself

Despite the general spirit of rebellion, the main characters still use condoms. On the one hand, showing used protective equipment in a water-filled toilet kills all romance, which is what director David Fincher wanted. His film is not a love drama, although it ends with the creation of a potential couple. On the other hand, this is going beyond the framework of classic rom-coms, where at the moment of bed scenes the existence of condoms is tactfully forgotten.

Rule 2. Remember about the possible “terror” in places of public catering

The narrator calls Tyler Durden “the great service system terrorist.” We will call his tricks an ageless cinematic technique, when the hero, working as a waiter or a cook, spoils food and drinks in every possible way, adding his urine, saliva or worse. Based on this “almost template” in 2005, director Rob McKittrick filmed “Big Grub” in the original “Waiting …” which we do not recommend watching for those who often go to cafes or restaurants.

Rule 3. Don’t buy unnecessary things

At the beginning of the film, the hero of Edward Norton admits that a properly selected set from IKEA best characterizes the personality of the buyer. The frequent purchase of furniture for the home makes the storyteller an everyday conformist. In these things, he sees the meaning of his life, declaring to Tyler Durden that: “The explosion destroyed not just a bunch of junk, it destroyed me!” Nevertheless, it was the explosion that served as a kind of liberation from materialism, thus laying the foundation for the “other” life of the hero.

Rule 4. Quit your unloved job

The Storyteller’s monotonous life consists of insomnia, unloved and meaningless robots, and the purchase of useless “things.” Such a cycle of routine “holds” the will of the hero, although he realizes that he is “caught in a trap.” As the plot progresses, the Storyteller begins to “free himself” from the attributes that hold him back. By going to support groups, he gets rid of insomnia. With the help of an explosion – from an “too clean” apartment. And finally, he leaves the robot, thereby “tearing” the most restraining factor. Leaving an unloved job, as a metaphor for getting rid of wage slavery, is a vivid technique of cinema, but an extremely rare occurrence in real life.

Rule 5. Be a rebel

We do not encourage you to paste pictures of genitals into family films or any other films that are shown in cinemas; spit on nasty customers, steal or vandalize food. Such antics as methods of “fighting the system” in “Fight Club” are nothing more than satire over the post-industrial consumer society. For this reason, none of the above options will lead you to a “more meaningful life.”

However, there are many other ways of “rebellion” that do not contradict the law and human morality. For example, avoiding unloved work, expressing one’s own “I” through style, character or way of thinking. Fulfilling your cherished desires and aspirations. Creation of something beautiful, overcoming your fears and rejection of gray reality as “the only true way of existence.”


Fight Club: Ending Explained – Youtube Video Review & Analysis

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