“Black Summer” & Two More Cool Netflix Series That You Have Hardly Heard of

Here are three cool Netflix series that you’ve probably never heard of. Go.

You / You (2018), 1 season

What the series is about: The plot tells about the relationship between the mysterious book worker Joe (Penn Bedgley) and his client, the aspiring writer Beck (Elizabeth Layil). During their first meeting, a spark jumps between the young people. Joe then decides to find out more about Beck. Having in his hands the name and surname of the girl, he easily finds her profile and home address. And if the situation with the search for a profile is a fairly common phenomenon. Well, who hasn’t been looking for a girl or guy you like? Then his further actions, including finding the address and spying on the main character, cause genuine confusion.

Why you should watch: if you love serials in the same color scheme, “You” will not disappoint you. The picture is nice and of high quality. And some frames now and then resemble photos on Instagram. The atmosphere did not disappoint either. Here it is almost inextricably linked with the visual component. Subdued warm undertones are present in all shots, as well as a subdued sense of danger and madness, of course, emanating from the protagonist.

frame from the series “You”

See also: “Friends”: 3 main reasons to watch the legendary sitcom 

Haunted (2018), 2 seasons

What the series is about : The plot of the anthology series is based on the stories of people who have encountered some kind of paranormal phenomenon at a certain period of their lives. Most often we are talking about ghosts and spirits. Less often – about something completely inexplicable. Each episode is an independent story, which is accompanied by the most reconstructed events with the participation of actors, and the story of a person who encountered him surrounded by people close to him.

Why it is worth watching: according to the creators, the series is documentary, which is certainly interesting, but whether this is actually so is unknown. Nevertheless, the format of the presentation of the stories, as well as their variety, attracts and draws on for further viewing. In addition to this “Haunted” is also a rather scary series in terms of portraying various monsters and ghosts, which is a minus if you like more mystery, and a plus if it is entertainment.

frame from the series “Haunted by Ghosts”

Black Summer / Black Summer (2019), 1 season

What the show is about : The story follows a small group of Americans trying to get to the Rescue Stadium, an evacuation site organized by the US Army. The situation is complicated by the fact that they are all strangers, and of the growing zombie apocalypse around, proudly called “black summer”.

Why you should watch:   Black Summer is a high-quality and thoughtful series about what happens to people who do not find a life-saving supermarket, or do not fall victim to an accident, waiting for the first wave of infection in an empty hospital room. All events in the series are shown as realistically as possible, each character is revealed and understandable.

The feeling of hopelessness and oppressive open space accompanies the characters throughout the series, gradually heating up the atmosphere. Thus, in the first episode, you will be able to contemplate only two or three infected, in the last one there will be hundreds of them. In addition, for ease of viewing, each episode is divided into small blocks with ignorance, while maintaining the integrity of the narrative.

frame from the series “Black Summer”

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