The Last Duel Movie Meaning & Plot Summary

The film The Last Duel of Ridley Scott’s was first shown to the audience at the Venice Film Festival. It will be released in cinemas in autumn 2021. The audience reacted to the picture indifferently, but from critics it received quite high marks. This historical drama was directed by Ridley Scott.

The meaning of the film

The viewer finds himself in 1396. The plot of the film begins to twist from the moment when Marguerite de Carrouges publicly declares that she was the victim of a rape committed by Jacques Le Gris. Marguerite’s husband, a knight named Jean de Carrouges, as a true defender of his family, challenges the offender to a duel. By the way, this is the last legal duel in the history of France. And then the most interesting move begins – the director divided the story into three parts. The first belongs to Jean de Carrouge, the second to Jacques Le Gris, and the third to Marguerite.

Part one. Narrated by Jean de Carrouge.

Jean de Carrouges is a nobleman, but he does not have a title. His father is a garrison captain and owner of a small estate. Jean and Le Gris are connected by a service in one place. Both of them gradually swear allegiance to the Count of Alençon, who helps them move up the career ladder. Marguerite de Carrouges marries only in order to improve his financial affairs. However, it turns out that part of the devotee, a piece of land, was donated through third parties to Le Gris. Jean sues, but the king rejects this claim. His wife helps him to reconcile with the enemy at least for a while. While Jean was on a military campaign in Scotland, Le Gris breaks into his house and rapes Margaret. Upon his return, the husband turns to the king, who decides that only “God’s judgment” will help here.

Part two. Narrated by Jacques Le Gris.

In this part, de Carrouges is presented as a short-tempered but brave man. Jacques is presented as a very educated person for that time, but having no support. And Pierre Alansky just becomes the patron of the man. For him, the claim for a plot of land is surprising, because initially he climbed for the count, and he decided to give Le Gris such a gift.

Another injustice is Marguerite de Carrouges. When Jacques meets the wife of his now enemy, he is not ready to accept that he did not get such a smart and beautiful woman. He falls in love, but the woman is not ready to accept it. Finally, he manages to confess his feelings to her as it should be, and Margarita accepts feelings with great fear. But Le Gris is not ready to retreat and only closes his eyes to all the refusals and screams. He leaves her in full confidence that there was no violence, he only helped the woman overcome modesty. At the royal court, Le Gris denies everything and agrees to a duel.

Part three. Narrated by Margaret.

The girl’s life is not going well. She is forced to marry only because of the money. Her husband and father constantly quarrel, and Jean does not understand and does not accept the feelings and desires of his wife. The girl has to come to terms with what is happening and live with her husband’s mother, who constantly reproaches Margarita for everything. But the girl is wise enough to guide her husband. She also understands Le Gris’ feelings, but only allows herself to flirt lightly with him. In the absence of her husband, the girl quarrels with his mother, and she leaves Margarita alone, taking away all the servants. The girl locks herself up, but Le Gris still manages to sneak into the estate. The girl is afraid to answer all his confessions, because she does not want to lose friendship with a fairly influential person.

But all her efforts are in vain. As soon as her husband returns, Margarita gathers the courage to tell him about everything. But de Carrouges does not sympathize with her, but fears for her reputation. In addition, as if competing with the enemy, the husband also takes the girl by force. De Carrouges files a complaint against Le Gris. But everyone turns away from Margarita, considering her a liar. The husband’s mother confesses to the girl that she herself was in exactly the same situation, but managed to remain silent for the honor of the family. At the trial, they try to accuse her of being raped only because of her own provocation. Margarita at this time finds out that she is pregnant. Shortly before the duel, Margarita gives birth to a son, but leaves him to attend, because if her husband loses, she will be burned at the stake for lying. Allegedly, God judged them, but he cannot lie.

Duel. What is the meaning of the end in The Last Duel?

Both opponents are furious and each one is determined to win. But de Carrouge manages to win. He is declared the winner of the dispute, and Margarita is released.

In general, it’s not worth talking about any hidden meaning – the authors have already told us everything. Through the prism of the opinions of each of the characters, we choose which side to take. The film is quite psychological and proves to us that there is no pure good or evil in the world – everything is relative.

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