The film The French Dispatch was a long awaited movie masterpiece by many people, this work was directed by director Wes Anderson, whose films have their own special features. Many critics are delighted with jokes, pictures, in fact, behind which drama is hidden. The director has his own army of loyal fans, but at the same time he does not win major festivals.
Many are dissatisfied with his work and filming style. They believe that his paintings are exquisite films about the infantile everyday life of the neurotic bourgeoisie. The Grand Budapest Hotel was also classified as a gaming hotel, like The French Dispatch. The Grand Budapest is the director’s first feature film. We can say that the Herald is one of the perfect works. Critics report that the end credits leave a person with a double impression. Many want to wait for the release, some want to watch it normally in order to have a pause button, because pictures flash very quickly here. Many do not have time to follow the events.
At its core, this is a colorful story about a fictitious newspaper, The French Dispatch, a special addition to the American print edition of Liberty. For many years, this publication was run by a well-known journalist and editor played by Bill Murray. At the beginning of the picture, the leader dies due to a heart attack, he wanted to close the Herald after death, and the colleagues decide to print the farewell issue of The French Dispatch newspaper.
The whole picture is based on four stories – these are the original four parts of the farewell issue of the newspaper, the first essay about a reporter on a bicycle, the second article is a real masterpiece, it tells about an extraordinary artist who, during his term in prison, depicted portraits of his muse – a policewoman.
The third part is devoted to the peculiarities of the amendments to the manifesto from Kremets, who inadvertently intervened in the student riot, led by a young revolutionary who is performed by Timati Shalome. The issue ends with an article about the police commissioner’s canteen, telling how the reporter made friends with the best police cook. In fact, Andersen’s film is very similar to special acting scenes, it’s like amateur performances, all the actors describe the filming process as a big family party, they didn’t want to leave the set, work with this director and with each other. The star cast is quite large, but each of the actors enjoyed it. There were both well-known actors and newcomers, Andersen’s special shooting style is typical.
Many articles have been written about the director’s style, the film looks like perfectly connected frames in symmetry, they have bright colors, there is a strict attention to detail, unusual angles. A whole minute in the film is devoted to how the waiter stirs the cocktail, adding different ingredients. Every little detail in the appearance of the character is remembered, that is, the images, costumes are thought out to the smallest detail, which makes the film especially unusual and unique. There are many different inserts in the film that make viewing it more pretentious and stylized. All the characters were inspired by a feeling for the magazine, out of love for the real American New Yorker magazine. The film is full of interesting moments, it is full of unusual storylines. All fans of the director’s work were satisfied with this masterpiece.