1408 Explained: Did Mike Actually Die?

How Many Alternative Ending Are There? The film “1408” was filmed in 2007 by director Hofström – the plot was created based on the novel by Stephen King. The genre of the film deals with mystical themes with moments of thriller and horror, while violating quite a lot of vital problems of mankind.

The plot is simple – Mike Enslin creates a book about unusual mystical phenomena. He himself is quite well versed in such phenomena, although he does not believe and reacts skeptically to the news that a poltergeist or a ghost has been seen somewhere. However, he is very much interested in such a topic, so he decided to put in writing all his knowledge and personal ideas about mystical phenomena.

He receives a postcard from a hotel in New York, which says: “Do not enter 1408!”. The writer believes that this is another marketing ploy of managers, but he still goes to this hotel and wants to get into room 1408. Even warnings from hotel employees do not stop him – he is told that danger may lie in this room. Mike also learns that during the entire existence of the hotel, the guests of this particular room committed suicide, because it was not clear what was going on in the room, because of which people could not get out of there alive.

Still, Mike manages to get there, but he does not see anything frightening or strange in this number. He records a voice message that he did not notice anything supernatural, as at the same moment the clock left on the bedside table starts counting down. During this time, Mike had to go through all the mystical phenomena that took place in the room, and not go crazy. Mike controls himself and writes down everything he saw here. He tries to get out of the room, send what he wrote, but when he arrives at the post office, the walls begin to crumble and Mike again finds himself in the same ill-fated room 1408.

The devilry continues and Mike gets a phone call telling him that he is in hell right now and is told to get it over with by committing suicide. Mike refuses to do so, sets fire to the room, while he hears groans.

The ending in different versions is different, it was re-recorded, because the audience found such a film to be too intimidating. In one version, Mike is rescued from a burning room by firefighters – there was a short circuit. Mike has a voice recorder with him, where all the events that were in the room were preserved – there he also heard the voice of his daughter. Also in another version, Mike dies and appears as a ghost in the hotel manager’s office.

What is the point of this movie? Mike, as already mentioned, was a writer – he wrote essays about mystical phenomena, while he himself did not believe in anything like that. This desire to scare other people, bringing them unpleasant emotions and fear. It is nothing but indifference to what other people feel.

The worst thing is that we face indifference throughout our lives. but it affects not only how we treat others, but also on ourselves. After all, very often we complain that our life is not going the way we would like it to be. This is due to the indifference that lies within us. Only we know what will bring us happiness and what will help overcome sadness, but indifference to ourselves cuts off our opportunities to make our life easier and better.

The director of the film says that we should try to live with an open mind and allow new things to appear in our lives. There is no need to be indifferent to what surrounds us, because any of us may need support and help at any moment of life. No one is immune from the fact that fate can inflict an unexpected blow on us. Moreover, life is given to a person only once and you need to try to live it as sincerely and beautifully as possible, first of all for yourself.

Every person’s life should be full and real. Do not accumulate resentment and worries about the past. It doesn’t matter to anyone. There will definitely be a bright future ahead, which will bring happiness and acceptance of yourself as you really are.

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