Sound of Metal Ending Explained & Film Analysis

A drummer who found his calling in music has lost his hearing. Seems like his world was about to fall apart. But the hero decided not to give up. He went to a center that provides assistance to the deaf. The guy needs time to realize what happened and accept himself with all the flaws. The drama “Sound of Metal” is the story of a man who is destined for inevitable hearing loss. But how can a movie character learn to live in silence? What is the message of this film to the audience?

Absolute silence. In today’s world, this is hard to imagine. A variety of sounds surround a person from all sides. Humming and noise have become part of our existence. Sometimes you really want to abstract from the hustle and bustle, build impenetrable walls around yourself and enjoy the feeling of calm and peace. It is important for a person to remain at least for a while alone with himself. This is the only way to look inside yourself, listen to your inner voice, learn about your hidden desires and dreams. But this should only be temporary. For a person who is able to hear, the complete absence of sounds is like a catastrophe.

The meaning of the movie Sound of Metal (2020)

The protagonist of the film is a member of a musical group. Ruben is a drummer. Music is the meaning of his life. He feels the rhythm, he controls it. Ruben is the creator of incredible melodies. The character can no longer imagine his existence without deafening sounds. His style is fast and accurate strikes. But one day he suddenly realizes with horror that he hears only a dull hum. The first alarm bell rang. Ruben realized that he was waiting for irreversible hearing loss. The tour that the band had planned so carefully had to be cancelled. The protagonist’s lover is confused. The vocalist does not know how to find words that would cheer up Ruben. The girl has not yet been able to provide moral support to her boyfriend. The only way out is to install an implant. However, the operation costs a lot of money. The drummer who lives in a trailer has never had such an impressive sum.

Hearing is one of the most important human senses. When a person stops hearing sounds, his world turns upside down. In the center of the film “Sound of Metal” is the story of a drummer who had to accept his illness and try to live with it. Together with the main character, the audience goes through all the stages of understanding the situation in which he finds himself. This movie is not about music. Sound of Metal is about a man and his personal tragedy. He raced through life at full speed to loud noises. Then there was only emptiness. And absolute silence around. He had to go through a difficult path to understand that life goes on.

The character’s world has changed. Ruben needs a lot of effort to come to inner harmony. He seizes every opportunity that would help him hear again. The character struggles desperately, not yet realizing that the invented mechanisms and techniques are powerless for him.

The filmmakers tried in their work to reveal the themes of fortitude, willpower and mutual assistance. The characters of the film in their lives have often faced difficult problems and ordeals. Ruben struggled with drug addiction, and his lover once attempted suicide. But after all the obstacles, worries and doubts, they realized that they had found each other. The characters decided to start life from scratch. Their musical group began to give concerts, go on tours. But Ruben’s illness crossed out all their future plans. Then comes the long and painful process of accepting the new realities.

The emotional film “Sound of Metal” reveals the whole range of feelings of the hero. At first, Ruben was overcome by despair, which was replaced by anger. After that, he begins to fight with his fears and doubts. But obsessive thoughts again and again take over. There seems to be no way out of this vicious circle. After accepting the situation, the long-awaited peace comes. The meaning of the film “Sound of Metal” is to show a living person who has flaws, and the whole process of finding oneself. The filmmakers do not put pressure on pity. This film is not sentimental. Sound of Metal is an honest story about people who are destined to live their lives in complete silence. Deaf-mutes do not need to be somehow distinguished from the rest. They are the same people as everyone else, but they have a peculiarity. And they learned to exist with their ailments. Deaf-mutes don’t need to be sympathized with. They don’t need it. They were able to discover a new world in themselves, find spiritual harmony and become happy.

Sometimes people lose something very important in life. The main idea of ​​the film “Sound of Metal” is that the viewer can see how to find the strength to continue to exist. The main character managed to go through all the stages of self-acceptance with the help of willpower. However, the finale of the film is ambivalent. A hero needs to move on in order to live. It is to live, not to exist. But this turned out to be a difficult task. The personal tragedy of the character happened suddenly. Gradually, the loss and despair, read in the eyes of the protagonist, are replaced by acceptance and a desire to feel the taste of life again.

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