The Matrix Review: What Does the Ending of Mean?

The meaning of the film The Matrix: explanation of the plot & ending. The Matrix trilogy was created by American directors, the Wachowski brothers (sisters?). This sci-fi thriller set the standard for all subsequent action films. The famous bullet-time technique (time slowdown) is a kind of visiting card of the picture. But the film, replete with scenes of fights and shootings, in general, is not about that. What is the meaning of the movie “The Matrix”? Is Neo really the savior of humanity? Or is he just another cog in the system?

Description of the story

The plot of the film “The Matrix” revolves around a modest programmer of a large company, Thomas Andersen (Keanu Reeves). However, this is only a daytime image of the hero. At night, Thomas transforms into the talented and dexterous hacker Neo.

Let the matrix begin

The beginning of the story can be considered the moment when mysterious messages begin to arrive on Neo’s computer:

  • “Knock, knock, Neo”
  • “Wake up, Neo…”
  • “You’re stuck in the matrix”
  • “Follow the White Rabbit”.

The complete rubbish makes sense when, following the messages, Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and Trinity (Carey-Anne Moss) appear in the life of the hero. These two are quite authority figures in the world of hacking. Not surprisingly, Neo immediately falls under their influence. They tell the main character that his life is just a computer simulation – a matrix. The real world has long gone crazy, torn apart by the war waged by people against machines.

Interesting! The role of Morpheus was offered to such “monsters” of cinema as Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman and Sean Connery. The latter refused the role, citing the fact that he did not understand anything in the script.

Chosen One

At first glance, they offer him a choice:

  • Stay in the matrix and forget about everything, considering what you learned to be only a nightmare;
  • Wake up and find out what’s going on in the real world.

But is it a choice? The couple is very skillfully psychologically affects Neo. Trinity uses her sexuality to go out of her way to embarrass the poor hero. Morpheus (by the way, this name is very reminiscent of the name of the ancient Greek god of sleep, is it not a symbol of deceit?) presses with his authority, flattering and giving significance to Neo’s personality at the right time. As a result, the protagonist makes “his choice” and gets involved in the fight as the “chosen one”.

It is noteworthy that Neo does not even have very logical fears. If his former life is a skillfully crafted matrix, then what is the guarantee that the real world is not a simulation? And just the second part of the trilogy gives the answer to this question.

So, the chosen one sets as his goal the destruction of the matrix and begins the struggle. By the way, killing along the way a few ordinary people. Here everything is according to the laws of big politics: human sacrifice is nothing compared to the common good.

On a note! Another recognizable detail of the film is the matrix code. It represents falling green letters, numbers, hieroglyphs. The meaning of the matrix code was revealed by the film’s artist Simon Whiteley. It turns out that in this mysterious green “waterfall” is encrypted … a recipe for sushi.

Ending and hidden meaning

How did The Matrix end? The main antagonist of Neo – Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) is a colossal danger. After all, together with the matrix, it can destroy the entire human race. Neo realizes that without the help of the Main Computer – the creator of Smith – he will not be able to win this battle. Forced cooperation is bearing fruit. The matrix is ​​reloaded. Thus, the chosen one still fulfills his destiny and saves the world, most likely at the cost of his own life. Or not?

On a note! In August 2019, the release of the fourth part was announced. In it, the viewer will meet Neo and Trinity again. The film will be directed and written by Lana Wachowski.

The meaning of the film “The Matrix” is interpreted by the audience in different ways. Here and freedom of choice (sleepy surreal life or the severity of being in the real world). And the unification of enemies in the face of a more powerful enemy. And a reference to biblical stories (The architect is the creator of the matrix, who tried to build an ideal world for a person. Does he remind anyone?). One thing is clear: the finale of the trilogy does not shine with optimism.

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