Peaceful Warrior Ending Explained & Film Analysis

More than 10 years ago, the premiere of the film “Peaceful Warrior” took place on the screens of cinemas. Each person has their own special feelings after watching it. The film “Peaceful Warrior” is one of those that can turn the mind of a person. They force you to evaluate your life, your actions and deeds in the past, the situation in which you are at the moment, and also analyze options for further developments in the future.

In the film, the expression was displayed: “a person does not need much to be happy.” On the one hand, the painting “Peaceful Warrior” shows the viewer that it is necessary to comprehend each of our actions, it is better to live in the present and appreciate what each of us already “holds” in our hands. The pursuit of something big can lead to the fact that you can lose all the benefits that already exist, and never gain new ones. Chasing new happiness leads to the fact that the very happiness is lost, and this leads to the fact that the person inside becomes empty.

But on the other hand, the film makes you think that it is this emptiness that allows you to sink to the bottom of your consciousness and push off from it with renewed vigor in order to discover something new. The film “Peaceful Warrior”, created based on the real events of one gymnast, is filled with a peculiar philosophical meaning.

On the example of a young man in the film, this theme is shown. It would seem: the young man is full of energy, has a lot of achievements, recognition, a student. Girls are crazy about him, but the guy is still not happy, he has a void in his soul that he is trying to fill. Dan’s constant anxiety leads to the fact that nightmares begin to occur, and then insomnia generally appears. All this leads him to a gas station in the middle of the night, where he meets her employee Socrates.

Communication with an older person makes a guy change. Dan begins to rethink his life, what he even lives for. The young man seems to be starting to fall into place. I found a mentor for myself who made me think a lot and mentally tune in, and when training was difficult, to speed up the thought process, the master periodically immersed the gymnast in the aquatic environment – the river. The soul has already received a new portion of inspiration, the guy has already begun to get used to the new meaning of life, but then he is hit by a car. As a result of an accident, a young man loses everything, as a pin is inserted into his leg. On a career, you can put a “fat” cross.

It is at this point that a new meaning opens up in the film. The teacher makes Dan understand that there is a hidden meaning in every moment that happens to him: “”everything has a meaning – and you have to find it.” The guy finds the willpower to start individual training after everyone turned away from him. Having clenched all his “will into a fist”, he set himself unbearable tasks, which he overcame in order to defeat not his rivals, but himself.

The film, enough, psychological content. He makes the viewer think about the essence of happiness using the example of the protagonist. What is it for each of them? Is it true that everyone who has looked at the picture has correctly focused and is going in the right direction? Or is he wasting precious time that shortens his life every second?

In the film, in every scene there is a hint that a person every now and then, looked inside himself and pondered the meaning of his life. Why did he come into this world and what has he done over the years? In the person of Socrates, a “peaceful warrior”, who constantly prompted the guy in his conversations in the right direction, the creators of the picture created a hint for the audience. A simple tanker in his own words pushes in the direction of the desired solution, but everyone must take the step himself. Every test in life (in the film it is an accident) is a signal that you are not in harmony with yourself.

In pursuit of an illusion through constant stress, everything will lead to the fact that the dream will collapse, and you will never be able to get closer to it. Achieving a cherished dream can be physically very difficult, but mentally it is much easier when you are in constant body-soul contact: “A warrior does not leave what he loved. He finds love in what he does.”

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