The film Behind Her Eyes (2021) – Netflix was well received by the audience. This is no ordinary single mother story. This is a thriller, and a drama, and a detective story. Louise meets a handsome man in a bar. But soon the woman learns that this attractive stranger is her new boss. David is not free, but that doesn’t stop Louise. The heroine does not understand why she cannot put an end to these relations. Louise is confused about herself, her feelings and emotions. As it turned out, finding a way out of this situation is not so easy. Further, the events of the film began to develop rapidly. Louise met David’s wife. The women have become best friends. Having got to know the boss’s family closer, the heroine realized that the characters kept some terrible secret.
Another family – darkness. Everyone probably knows this folk wisdom. The heroine of the film had no idea what story she was to become a participant in. Is it possible that the spouses were tied not only by marriage, but also by something sinister?
Behind Her Eyes is a film filled with unexpected twists and turns. The audience could not imagine what would happen in the next episode. From this, watching an exciting tape becomes more interesting. Each episode makes fans of the series “puzzle”, anticipating the next step of the characters.
Initially, the viewer sees bored characters in front of him who cannot decide what they really want. They are tired of the monotonous existence. Therefore, the heroes decided to add bright colors to their lives. But they do it in different ways. The single mother is tired of her position. Her soul demands adventure. That’s why she was so interested in her boss. But why didn’t the fact that David was married stop the woman? Did the heroine not have any moral principles? But Louise went further. She decided to befriend her boss’s wife. A trusting relationship developed between the women.
The love triangle story keeps viewers in suspense. The heroes succumbed to their temptation, which turned out to be stronger than them. And this is where their main problem comes from. The point of Behind Her Eyes is that there are secrets in every family. It is better for others not to know what is hidden behind closed doors. The main characters have complex relationships. In some episodes, it becomes unclear why the characters are still together.
The series Behind Her Eyes tells about the amazing relationship between a man and a woman, about strong feelings, about loyalty and betrayal. And all this is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. The viewer might think that Behind Her Eyes is another drama about male infidelity. But it’s not. David and Louise could not even imagine how their acquaintance would end. It became a mystery to the viewer as well. However, the ending of the story turned out to be extremely unexpected. This turn of events surprised everyone.
The most controversial heroine can be called Adele. She’s not like that. This idea immediately flashes through the minds of the audience. A woman does not cause sympathy, but she does not repel. Fans of unexpected stories are aware that something is about to happen.
The main idea of the film Behind Her Eyes is that the viewer at the end of the story could answer the question: “Does a person fully understand those who are nearby?”. How are people made? Why do they experience those emotions and not others? Truth and lies intertwine in the series. Sometimes it becomes difficult to separate one from the other.
The authors of the film came up with a special door that helps to separate two worlds: ordinary life and the world of nightmares. For Louise, this was a salvation. The woman became a hostage to her desires. But after meeting Adele, the heroine found herself in an extremely difficult situation. Like between two fires. She likes David, but she has no desire to deceive his wife either. Sometimes in life it’s hard to make a choice. But this does not mean that you can entrust this difficult mission to someone. Deception and betrayal will not lead to anything good. Mean deeds not only undermine your reputation, but also “poison” the inner world. It is difficult for a person who has committed treason to find spiritual harmony. He will be constantly tormented by fears and obsessive thoughts. “Sitting on two chairs” will not work, no matter how hard a person tries.
Captivating, full of unexpected events, the series Behind Her Eyes tells the story that you cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. There is no excuse for those who try to fit into someone else’s family. Communication on the side brings only temporary satisfaction. From the realization of what has been done, it becomes unpleasant. Perhaps a person will never be able to forgive himself for what he did. Louise suffered a sad fate. Adele, with the help of her abilities, tried to help herself survive a difficult life stage. She didn’t want to give anything away. The heroine could not allow someone to destroy her family. Relations between spouses cannot be called harmonious and happy. But they didn’t want to leave. Adele’s husband succumbed to his temptation. But then he regretted his decision. It was just too late. A vicious relationship draws a person in, makes him deceive and dodge. Breaking such relationships is sometimes extremely difficult.