Meaning of Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode & Song Story

Depeche Mode created one of their most iconic songs called “Personal Jesus” thanks to a not-so-pleasant story. However, soon everyone was talking about her. The group was waiting for unprecedented success. But many listeners (especially foreign ones) did not see the true essence of this musical composition behind the pleasant sound. And what is it? In this article, we are happy to talk about it. Then listening will become more meaningful!

The meaning of the title of the song “Personal Jesus”

The translation of the song sounds like “Personal Jesus”. But who are they talking about? The fact is that the ex-wife of Elvis Presley (“King of Rock and Roll”) wrote a kind of book called “Elvis and Me”, where she told a lot about her life with the star. That’s just the information contained in the book has been refuted many times. In short, the woman tried to capitalize on the scandal, but received only condemnation.

Martin Gore composed this song under the “brightest” impression of this book. As we understand, this personal Jesus will be exactly Elvis, who, after death, they are trying to expose as the real Devil. And he is truly a saint, according to the recollections of friends and relatives. Elvis lived for others, was always ready to help. As the lead singer of Depeche Mode recalled, the rock star was the hope for everyone. Elvis was a wonderful mentor, he sincerely loved everyone around. But he is sincerely sorry that behind this kindness and responsiveness he did not notice that black spot that was always there. Elvis loved, so he could not see the bad, even if he really wanted to.

Indeed, it is very sad when the legend is insulted after his death. And it’s one thing if they told the truth for the sake of justice, but this is a different case.

Meaning of “Personal Jesus” by Depeche Mode

From the first lines, we understand what will be discussed. The song tells about a personal Jesus (Elvis), who is always ready to help, listen and give advice. It seems that he really is to some extent a real God. But the years go by, now he is not around. And a feeling of emptiness fills the hearts of those for whom he was a bright personality not only on stage, but also at home.

The phrase about “make you a believer” is a prime example of how good Elvis was. Even strangers instantly received a certain disposition towards this man. Literally from the first seconds they fell in love with him, his voice and pleasant speech. Elvis knew how to win over absolutely any person.

And the beautiful Elvis Presley always forgave everyone and everything. He was ready to listen, listen a lot, and then calm the interlocutor. His confessions are ordinary conversations, but they helped much more than communication with the priest. Apparently, the performer really owned some kind of magic.

This is how the song turned out! She quickly became a cult, and also fell in love with everyone, and not only fans of Elvis Presley. No wonder the song “Personal Jesus” was included in the 500 best and most important songs of all time. The Depeche Mode group was able to create a real masterpiece for the ages! Years will pass, but this song will not be forgotten – it is so important for the whole world of music!

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