The protagonist is a little boy named August, whose life is radically different from the lives of his peers due to his physical deviation. In his entire still small life, he had already undergone more than a dozen operations, but he did not have time to communicate with children of his age and make friends. And now, in his already difficult life, another test appears – school. Oggy will have to face incomprehension, sidelong glances, ridicule and mockery from the children, as well as all the vicissitudes of a far from simple friendship.
What is the meaning of the film Wonder?
Meaning of Stephen Chbosky’s Wonder (2017)?The plot of the film without concealment tells about the adoption of a child with an unusual appearance by the environment. It’s no secret that in the modern world, appearance plays an incommensurably important role, and the first impression of a person of any age is based on appearance. Oggy’s genetic anomaly does not leave him a chance for unhindered communication with peers and a calm attitude of people towards his person. You will not find a special hidden idea in the film, because all the main directorial intentions are specially brought to the surface for easier digestibility of the story. It is not surprising that the film became a real drama and caused a lot of audience tears – after all, and the director is the author of the cult teen drama-tragedy “It’s good to be quiet.”
In fact, this moralizing film is more aimed at an adult audience – at parents, rather than at children. Deprived of abrupt and unpredictable plot twists, the film at a rather calm pace shows all the difficulties of life that everyone can face: both an adult and a child. In fact, the film does not require an action-packed coloring to entice the audience for a couple of hours: the very story of Auggie holds attention and does not allow you to turn off the player. But few people know that the film adaptation (yes, Chbosky’s film Wonder is an adaptation of the 2012 novel of the same name) intentionally turned out to be less tragic than the original book.
In the printed version, Oggy suffers much more bullying than we see on the screen, which once again confirms the opinion that the work is aimed at adult viewers. But not everything is so simple and obvious in this film! The fact is that the picture tells the story of the formation of the personality of not only a little boy with an unusual face, but also his older sister, who lacks attention because of her sick brother. To some extent, Olivia is jealous of Auggie, because her parents made taking care of Auggie almost the only task in her life.
Added to all this is the strange behavior of her best friend: after the holidays, she abruptly cut off all communication with Olivia for no good reason. But her problems do not become fundamental in the film, so as not to shift the attention of the audience from little Auggie to a rather adult sister. Instead, the director’s decision was a cardinal revolution in the girl’s life – an entry into a theater group and new friends from there, including a loving boyfriend. Oggy’s best friend, with whom the protagonist had a series of misunderstandings, had a significant effect on the boy and helped him join the school and become more self-confident, while ceasing to be ashamed of his appearance. Jack acted as a kind of guide to the adult world for August and helped him accept himself.
What is the significance of the final scenes?
An unusual and truly wonderful story, filled with warmth, comfort and simple, but therefore wonderful children’s humor, cannot but touch the souls of the audience. People around constantly talk about tolerance and its importance, but not everyone fully understands the significance of this phenomenon. And it is the words of the main characters at the end of the film that refer us to the origins, to the fundamental idea of the picture and indestructible truths: we are literally chewed on the concept of “tolerance” and put all the main provisions on the shelves.
A heartbreaking story not only of the “object” of cruel statements and ridicule from others, but also of his family and friends. The experiences and difficulties shown in the picture reflect the vicissitudes of the fate of people, even in the slightest way different from the usual understanding of the normal. Despite the developing world and humanity so far gone, tolerance is still a controversial issue, and many people have not learned this most important skill in society – to show tolerance towards “special” people, and not only.
The film Wonder is perfect for evening viewing with the whole family. Do not hesitate: it will definitely leave a warm feeling and an indelible mark on the soul. Go ahead, watch and enjoy!