“The Mandalorian” or “Star Wars: The Mandalorian” is a series based on the Star Wars universe, which has already won thousands of hearts with just a demonstration of the Kid and a careful attitude to the legacy of the original trilogy. Actually, after which the main events of the series begin. Below we will explain why “Mandalorets” should be watched by all without exception, and how the construction, style and timing of the series ensured the success of the series before its release.
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The Mandalorian as a worthy continuation of the original trilogy
If you are a fan of the Star Wars movie saga, and you are outraged by the latest films of the epic, not only because of the huge holes in the script, but also because of the lack of any desire of the creators to shoot something really worthwhile, then “Star Wars: The Mandalorian” along with “Rebel One” . Star Wars. History “is not only a qualitative continuation of the cool saga, but also an example of an incredibly caring attitude to the original. To his style, the principled use of animatronics and the involvement of a minimum amount of computer graphics.
The Mandalorian as an independent and autonomous product
To prove the fact that Mandalorets can be independent, and to please a person who has never heard of Star Wars, we watched it with such a person (it really exists) and the result was expected – she liked it.
During the decades of existence of the SV universe, it has expanded so much that it has become a separate platform for the unfolding of any history. This fact, as well as a qualitative approach to the creation of the project itself ensured the independence of “Mandalorets” in the fleeting world of web series. Another reason for the independence of “Mandalorets” was to bring to the fore a previously uninvolved hero (Mandalorets). We will hear and see the nameless archer, his name and face only once. Which, however, existed in the universe of ZV, and first appeared in the “Star Wars. Episode IV. New hope “.
Mandalorian episodes as short films based on the Star Wars universe
If you are familiar with the style of Star Wars, the “Mandalorian” can be described as a qualitative reflection of the construction of original films in the form of a series. For example, in most series (which the creators themselves call the sections with the current title: “Chapter 1: Mandalorets”) there are no so-called cliffhangers, which often make you watch the series further.
Moreover, almost every series is based on a holistic, simple and clear story that has a connection, development and solution. Thus, the series demonstrates an extraordinary ability to show the long-forgotten old as a cool new, with an emphasis on the fact that the proven and working formulas of the story are called so not just like that. It is, of course, about the friendship of two enemies, the struggle between good and evil, adventure, and of course – a cute baby Kid.
Child / Toddler as the main star of “Mandalorets”
The appearance of a child of an unknown race, a bright representative of which is Master Yoda, will not be unexpected for you. Most likely, it is because of the presence of this character that the series collects its high marks from the hearts of viewers and critics. We will not talk about how cool and cute this character is – it is clear without us. I just want to add that it is the Mandalorets / Malyuk tandem that creates the same magic for which the project is praised.
So, if you like clear stories in the spirit of the best films in the world of ZV, then “Star Wars: The Mandalorian” is simply bound to please you. From the very first episodes, the series, in the good sense of the word, disarms with its short-sightedness, simplicity and classic quality. Recommend!