The history of the creation of the song Cowboys from Hell by the metal band PanteraExplained Songs
Meaning of the song Cowboys from Hell by the metal band Pantera
What music do you associate with the American state of Texas? Country and blues immediately come to mind. You can also remember some cool Texas rockers, representatives
The history of the creation of the song Firestarter - The ProdigyExplained Songs
Meaning of the song Firestarter – The Prodigy
The composition Firestarter by the British band The Prodigy made even those who had never before been interested in such music pay attention to the band.
Pictures of You – The CureExplained Songs
Meaning of Pictures of You by The Cure & The Story Behind
For almost forty years of creative activity, The Cure frontman Robert Smith has given more than one hundred interviews. In many he was asked about what served as
The history of the song Never Let Me Down Again Depeche ModeExplained Songs
Meaning of Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode
The popular composition Never Let Me Down Again played a very important role in the history of Depeche Mode. It became the first song by a British band that had
The history of the song Fuck Them All Mylene FarmerExplained Songs
Meaning of F**k Them All by Mylène Farmer & The Story Behind
How do you feel about feminists? I’m honestly skeptical. Maybe because I belong to the gender that the supporters of this movement make claims against.
The history of the creation of the song Dream On by AerosmithExplained Songs
Meaning of Dream On by Aerosmith & Song Story
With over one hundred and fifty million discs sold, the legendary rock band Aerosmith has become America’s most commercially successful band.
I See Fire Song Story by Ed SheeranExplained Songs
I See Fire Song Meaning by Ed Sheeran
In each part of the film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”, filmed by director Peter Jackson based on the novel by John Tolkien, a song plays during the
Ordinary Love-U2Explained Songs
Meaning of Ordinary Love by U2 & The Story Behind
In 1985, members of the U2 group took part in Steven Van Zandt’s United Stars Against Apartheid project, the main idea of ​​which was to protest against racial
The history of the creation of the song White ChristmasExplained Songs
Meaning of White Christmas & The Story Behind
“Any wolf-mouthed talker could sing it well,” Bing Crosby said of the famous White Christmas song. By this he wanted to say that his merit in the popularity
The history of the song Let It SnowExplained Songs
Meaning of Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! & The Story Behind
An article about the history of the song Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! I would like to start by reminding you that it is correctly called that, although
The history of the creation of the song Happy New Year ABBAExplained Songs
Meaning of Happy New Year by ABBA & The Story Behind
The story of the Happy New Year song, which is now one of the most popular New Year’s songs, did not develop as smoothly as one might think.
The history of the creation of the song Last Christmas - Wham!Explained Songs
Meaning of Last Christmas by Wham! & The Story Behind
Many world-famous songs that are considered to be New Year’s or Christmas, in fact, either have nothing to do with the holidays, or are indirectly connected with them.