Knights of Justice Ending Explained & Film Analysis

In the film “Knights of Justice” every viewer will find something to laugh at, cry for, whom to sympathize with. He has a very interesting plot: Marcus receives a notification about the death of his wife and decides to independently investigate the causes of her death. He returns home and tries to find a common language with his daughter, but he fails. A girl who finds it hard to realize that her mother is no longer alive is not easy for her.

On top of that, the father becomes indifferent, withdrawn and laconic. Otto comes to them – at the last moment he gave up his seat in the railway passenger car to Marcus’s wife, and later she became a victim of the tragedy. He and two other colleagues form a team with Marcus that wants to find those responsible for this tragedy, understand what happened and avenge the woman’s death.

Revenge in this comedy ceases to be political, rather, there is a lot of humor here, because a diplomat, strategist, military man and a specialist in technical matters want to investigate the death of a woman. They decide to do something completely different from what they need to do, and it looks a little ridiculous, but very comical.

Meaning of the movie “Knights of Justice”: idea, disturbed problems.

As it turned out, Marcus’ wife died at the hands of a gangster group. The knights decide to restore justice and punish the guilty. This detail is the essence of the film.

The younger generation, who will review this film, will be able to find a lot of funny things in it for themselves. For example, the fact that older people are trying to achieve justice on their own. In the modern world, it is very difficult, so the characters look very comical.

To some extent, the film resembles Don Quixote, who lived in his own world and is trying to achieve justice. The same applies to the heroes of the film – they decide to get the truth, no matter what.

This is the problem of the older generation – they live by the principles and laws that were relevant in their youth and do not try to reconsider their beliefs. The heroes are firmly convinced that they will be able to punish the guilty. Time moves forward, everything changes, including the laws by which society lives.

In the film, the majority ridicules the reluctance to learn something new, to study, to reflect and to soberly assess one’s capabilities. In addition to everything, it is ironically shown that those who have nothing to do with this at all will be involved in the investigation of such a serious criminal case.

You can also look at this film from the other side: if the punitive authorities do not fulfill their official duties, do not investigate cases, do not look for and punish the guilty, ordinary people who are tired of this injustice take up the case. It’s a pity that there are very few such people – brave and brave – on this earth. Society is so intimidated that it is indifferent to the problems and troubles of even close people. It is important to appreciate those people who at least somehow try to fight for justice, until such a concept has completely disappeared from the minds of people.

The film deserves the attention of the audience, that’s for sure. It provides an opportunity not only to laugh at the simplicity and compassion of the older generation, but also to understand that it is the older generation that has a lot of strength and wisdom to defend its own. It is these people who seek justice, because the younger generation usually does not care what happens in their lives. Only when they get older do they face all the delights of this life with their own eyes and they have no other choice but to start defending their interests and worrying only about themselves and their family. If usually they do not care how other people live, then the interests of his family and him personally come to the fore. Also, with age, there is less and less fear inside that someone might think the wrong thing, do the wrong thing. This is a self-confident generation with an established opinion about life and the people who surround them.

It is important to watch this film to understand that the generation before us had a lot of wisdom and courage to solve problems that they should not have had anything to do with. But still, the desire to achieve justice prevails and such people go ahead to their goal.

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