Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

While the fate of the cult X-Files is unknown, given the mixed reviews of season 11, we will look at a few series that fans of the original film may enjoy.

Get comfortable, it will be interesting!

And if you suddenly don’t understand what The X-Files is, then here’s the trailer.

very strange things

Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

Yes, the story about the boys from a provincial town, at first glance, does not look like The X-Files at all. However, there are similarities here.

For example, the curiosity of the main characters, as well as the desire to get to the bottom of the truth, especially when it comes to your friend.

According to the plot, next to a quiet town there is a government laboratory, soldiers are guarding the experimental subjects there.

However, the product of research and experiment – a telepathic girl, accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, from where a bloodthirsty monster comes out.

If you like the variety of extraterrestrial flora and fauna in The X-Files, we recommend Stranger Things.


Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

This series was received so well by critics and viewers that it was immediately extended to a second season. After watching 10 episodes, many dubbed the project the European version of Stranger Things. However, in our opinion, in vain.

The series tells the story of the town of Winden on behalf of several families. It all started a long time ago, but the fruits of mistakes came to the surface only recently. It all starts with the disappearance of two guys, and a lot of surprises await the police.

Fans of The X-Files will love the dark and mysterious atmosphere here, as well as the ambiguity of everything that happens in a quiet provincial town.


Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

Before you is a close relative, one might even say a twin brother, of the original X-Files. In the center of the plot, special agent Olivia from the FBI, who, together with the team, solves mysterious crimes and fights with the unknown. The audience took the picture well, which allowed her to live 5 seasons.

American Horror Story

Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

Probably, few people have not heard about this series, which recently got its 10th season. Here, every story is full of mysteries, mysticism, paranormal and diabolical. However, seemingly unrelated episodes are eventually combined into a single plot, hidden from the eyes of most viewers.

There are a lot of creatures and secrets, bloody rituals and charismatic actors. Recommended.

Doctor Who

Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

The parallels of this series with the original X-Files are obvious. Thanks to the efforts of Sherlock showrunner Steven Moffat, a story that began over 50 years ago has found a long-awaited continuation.

Moreover, for the first time we saw a woman in the role of the famous Doctor Who, and not to say that the actress Jodie Whittaker did not cope.


Dedicated to fans: a selection of the best series similar to The X-Files

The famous series, where fans of The X-Files will find a lot of intricate cases of the Winchester brothers, as well as charismatic opponents, creepy monsters.

Here is a classic example of a well-constructed concept of the world, which is interesting to watch. It seems that the main characters’ journey will never end, but the final season refutes this theory.

On this, our original selection came to an end. If you have other series in mind, be sure to leave them in the comments. And that’s all we have. Good luck and see you soon on the pages of new articles.

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