Ремарк Искра жизни
Meaning of Spark of Life by Erich Maria Remarque
How nationality becomes not a boon, but a punishment in a society of crazy people.
персонажи Убийства в Восточном экспрессе
How did the novel “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie end?
Agatha Christie wrote a lot of beautiful and intricate works in her life.
The meaning of the book “Amendment-22” by Heller or how a pilot tries to survive at the front
The novel Catch-22 is extremely popular in the English-speaking world.
"Жажда жизни".
The meaning of the book “Lust for Life” about Vincent van Gogh from the famous Irving Stone
Author Irving Stone wrote a lot of books about outstanding people of past eras in his life.
Северное сияние
Summary of Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials Trilogy: Armored Bears, Gypsies, Witches and an Angel
Philip Pullman is a fairly popular writer who has recently completed work on
Джон Стейнбек - "Гроздья гнева"
Meaning of the novel The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck
Рow to survive in America to a visitor from behind a hillock?
Доводы рассудка
The meaning of the novel “Persuasion” by Jane Austen
How to build an equal relationship? Jane Austen wrote in her life a lot of wonderful
Столпы Земли: Кадры
Meaning of The Pillars of the Earth Novel by Ken Follett Review
Analysis of the plot and meaning of the novel “The Pillars of the Earth”