About us Blimey.Pro – Blimey

About us Blimey.Pro

The Blimey project is for thoughtful film lovers of a good movie with a meaning. For those who like to get into the essence and look for hidden meanings in movies, songs and clips. Read authors reviews, experts, opinions, reviews, pickings, vote, take part in discussions under articles and watch our videos with explanations of film and TV series’ endings.

Our authors – professional journalists with experience, masters of philology, novice writers, film critics of different resources on the Internet.

The films in this selection have a cautionary script, many life stories, and a deep philosophical message.

A number of works are the heritage of world cinema. Every second inhabitant of the Earth, if not seen the presented masterpieces, then surely heard about them. Several of the works belong to the production of the masters of Bollywood, but even among the colorful colors, rousing dances and heart-piercing drama, there is a place moral principles and family values, and where every action and turn of the plot, leaves an indelible imprint on the fate of characters.

The variety of films is tremendous. Selected from this list of movies can plunge into the world of an alternate reality, where the machines have enslaved humanity. And also send on a distant planet Pandora, home three-meter creatures with blue skin, worshiping the Tree of Life, and flying on colored dragons. In this section you can find true stories of ordinary people who had to endure a lot of hardships, but worthy bypass all the hardships, to remain human.

Each masterpiece present here, will allow the viewer to take a lesson from watching, and understand that the achievement of a good goal sometimes does not come without sacrifice.

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